Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Perception Therapy® Products Full Set

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Brand : Perception Therapy® Products Full Set | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Nov 23, 2011 03:59:44 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

The Perception Therapy® Wellness Guide, Therapeutic Card Deck and Journal are used daily by the clients of Alternative Treatment International within the Program. The Set can be used by addictions and mental health treatment programs and individual therapists as an adjunct to their current treatment protocols, or by the individual at home to assist with relapse prevention and life transformation.Ways to Use The A.T.I. Inspirational Perception Therapy® Card Deck:?Follow each card in the order presented;?Follow the cards section by section;?Choose a card from a different section each day;?Read the card(s), repeat the positive affirmations on the front of each card, follow with meditation and journalingThe original Perception Therapy® Card Deck (53 cards included), developed by Alternative Treatment International, Inc., is specifically developed with extensive activities, affirmations, and instructions for a daily therapeutic practice that promotes health and overall wellness. Included with the Card Deck are two hand-carved inspirational stones with the sayings, "Hope" and "Peace".The original Perception Therapy® Wellness Guide (289 pages) and Therapeutic Card Deck (53 cards included), developed by Alternative Treatment International, Inc., are specifically developed with extensive activities, affirmations, and instructions for a daily therapeutic practice that promotes health and overall wellness.

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Friday, November 18, 2011

Drug Rehab Programs: Variety and Effectiveness

!: Drug Rehab Programs: Variety and Effectiveness

There are thousands of drug rehab or drug treatment programs available throughout the United States. They term themselves drug rehab, drug treatment, addiction treatment facility, free standing addiction treatment, detox and a host of other names. I wanted to take a moment and explain the differences to you.

In many cases, your choice of a drug treatment or alcohol treatment facility will hinge on several factors: medical and psychiatric care, comprehensiveness of the program, licensure of program and staff, family program, relapse prevention program and aftercare program. In addition, there is of course a person's ability to pay for their drug or alcohol rehab facility.

Listed below will be a list of the various types of programs you may encounter on your search for a drug rehab, alcoholism or addiction treatment program:

Drug Rehab (free standing facility ) this is a stand alone facility, specializing in the treatment of drug addiction or alcoholism. It is not part of a general hospital. Drug Addiction (free standing facility) same as above Alcoholism Treatment (free standing facility) same as above Drug Rehab (hospital based) this is a program that is usually located on a private wing within a general hospital. The addict or alcoholic who has developed complicated medical or psychiatric problems might be better off detoxing within the confines of a hospital. Allow an addiction specialist or physician to make that decision for you. Addiction Treatment (hospital based) same as above Alcoholism Treatment (hospital based) same as above Detox Program (hospital based or free standing) is a level of care in which a person is medically monitored in an effort to assist them with the withdrawal symptoms associated with drug addiction or alcoholism. The greater the medical needs of an individual, the better the chances of their need for a hospital based detox. Long Term Residential Addiction Treatment Programs are generally free standing facilities, designed for the addict or alcoholic whose recovery needs warrant a longer period of time than a typical 30 day addiction treatment program can provide.

As you can see there are many different types of centers available for drug rehab. Don't be fooled by promises of success rates or that one is less expensive than another, when you are trying to find an alcohol and drug rehab facility. Base your decision on where to go on your specific needs and the services the drug rehab provides.

Drug Rehab Programs: Variety and Effectiveness

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Drug Detox And Rehab Could Help Kentucky Welfare Recipients Become Self Sufficient

!: Drug Detox And Rehab Could Help Kentucky Welfare Recipients Become Self Sufficient

At a time when drug abuse and addiction have reached record levels across America, and government agencies from the White House down are involved in serious efforts to provide more treatment facilities, the State of Kentucky is considering a bill that cuts off all public assistance to anyone testing positive for drugs - including access to publicly funded a drug detox and treatment programs.

The new bill would mandate random drug testing of all adults who apply for, or who are already receiving, public aid such as welfare, food stamps or help from Kentucky's publicly funded medical programs. If welfare applicants or recipients refuse to be tested or test positive, further public assistance would be refused.

The proposed bill that would cut off access for these people to public assisted detox and rehab programs is perplexing when one considers that Kentucky has among the highest prescription drug abuse statistics in the country: One study found 20% of the population using prescription drugs illicitly - that's one person in every five getting prescription drugs from an illicit source. Prescription drug addiction, dependency and abuse accounts for 20% of Kentucky's admissions into drug detox, drug rehab and other treatment modalities.

Indeed, abuse of the narcotic prescription painkiller OxyContin has been so prevalent in Kentucky that the drug is known by the dubious nickname "hillbilly heroin." Kentucky has literally thousands of OxyContin addicts, many in jail or awaiting detox and rehab, and hundreds of deaths have been attributed to the drug. But prevailing opinion in Kentucky is apparently a reluctance to spend taxpayer money on welfare if the recipient is abusing drugs.

However, by refusing treatment on the strength of a drug test, the new bill would contribute to increased addiction, more drug-related crime and higher criminal justice and medical costs. Taxpayers would wind up paying more, in the long term, than the cost of drug detox and rehab, and the state and society would lose the opportunity to return its citizens to productivity.

It's been proven many times that, with the right encouragement, motivation and support, almost any drug addict or drug abuser will agree to enter drug detox and rehab. Thousands of dependencies and addictions are treated successfully every day with medical drug detox to help remove immediate cravings and withdrawal symptoms. When followed by comprehensive drug rehab, former addicts return to responsible, drug-free and productive lives, not drug-abusing welfare addicts.

It's understandable for taxpayers to recoil from footing the bill for welfare recipients who abuse their status through drug abuse. But a different approach could help satisfy reluctant taxpayers and also get drug abusers into treatment and back into the productive mainstream of Kentucky life.

Why not offer those on public assistance who flunk the drug test at least one opportunity to accept an alternative, a drug detox and rehab program, rather than barring them at the outset from help with their drug problem.

Refusing to enter drug detox and rehab, or failure of any subsequent drug tests after completing drug detox and rehab for as long as they're on welfare, would go a long way in reducing the welfare rolls and boosting the work force with rehabilitated citizens.

A few days in a good medical drug detox program followed by a thorough rehab could help turn the whole situation around in Kentucky, and open the door to increased productivity and money saved for all concerned.

Drug Detox And Rehab Could Help Kentucky Welfare Recipients Become Self Sufficient

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Hope for the Alcoholic: Scientific Breakthroughs

!: Promotions Hope for the Alcoholic: Scientific Breakthroughs buy online

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Price : $120.00
Post Date : Nov 01, 2011 08:55:12
Usually ships in 24 hours

Part of the award winning public television series Healthy Body/Healthy Mind. Alcoholism is a chronic medical disease of the brain and as with many other chronic diseases it needs lifestyle changes, psychological and nutritional counseling and medication to be most effectively treated. In this program we'll explore the latest research that highlights the differences between the brains of alcoholics and the brains of social drinkers. We will show you why a comprehensive approach to treating alcoholism is the best approach to getting the disease under control. We will highlight the benefit of support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous and through patient stories offer hope to those who are dealing with alcohol addiction and alcoholism.

Under The U.S. Copyright Act any viewing or exhibition of a video in a public place must have public performance rights. Purchase of this Program is for educational use only in the United States and/or Canada, which shall include non-theatric public performance rights. Such rights are defined as exhibition of the Program to the following specific non-paying audiences: (a) educational institutions (e.g. elementary, middle and high schools, colleges, and graduate degree programs, adult educational programs and institutions and distance learning and distributed education organizations); (b) public libraries; (c) governmental agencies and institutions; (d) non-profit entities and for-profit entities exhibiting the Program for educational purposes only; (e) public service and voluntary citizen organizations; and (f) social and cultural organizations, clubs and societies (the "Rights"). In granting the Rights, it is understood that such use shall not grant any right or privilege to the copyright with respect to the Program, which copyright shall always and in all circumstances be retained by Information Television Network. Furthermore, Rights do not include the right to resell, license or otherwise exploit the Program for profit. By completing this transaction, you agree to the above and shall be accordingly legally bound to the terms herein. The U.S. Copyright Act states that a person found guilty of infringement of public performance, may be fined or imprisoned or both.

This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media. Amazon.com's standard return policy will apply.

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